Don't Pull The Plug: Twitch's Life, Your Life

**I shared this on Facebook on December 23, 2022.

I’m sure I’m not the only one slightly obsessed with the unexpected suicide of tWitch.

While I wasn’t a following fan, I always admired his bright smile and fun vibes as he could pull off any dance move w style.

He had talent, millions of dollars, millions of followers, a beautiful dancing smiling doting wife, gorgeous healthy children.

He had all the things we probably most all would call a huge success this side of heaven.

But he pulled the trigger.

He’s gone now.

No longer.

And just days after his anniversary and days before Christmas. His kids won’t have their dad anymore. A widow wraps presents signed, mom.

I don’t know Twitch. I don’t have a clue what led him to walk away from his life, his family, but most importantly from himself.

He pulled the trigger on himself.


There’s two days until Christmas.

I along with others are looking under the tree, counting the presents for fairness, trying to remember the out of town family and nearby neighbors. We’re baking, shopping, wrapping, toasting, smiling, screaming, yelling at the kids that if they don’t seem appreciative they could lose a gift here and there.

We keep trying to find meaning, make meaning of a holiday that has all but trampled the reason for it. Our (my) obsession with to-do lists and gifts, has all but removed Christ from Christmas, muting the original intent of the holiday — the celebrating and adoration for the newborn King.


Like a yard full of deflated Christmas inflatables, removed is the air from our lungs to say the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate the newborn King.

Like a yard full of deflated Christmas inflatables, I wonder if Twitch’s outer joy could only last so long before he pulled his own plug.

I don’t begin to act like I know what caused him to end his life — but I hope for those who are looking for meaning and not finding it can remember one very important truth:

You were created for a purpose.

by a very creative God.

If you are struggling to find meaning

Go spend time with someone who loves you.

If you don’t think anyone loves you

May I ask that you hold on?

Your story is not over just yet.

See, in two days we are going to celebrate the birth of a baby who was also born a King. If you want to read more about it — read Luke. He came to bring justice and peace. His story is not over just yet.

If you’re wondering why there’s no meaning this Christmas for you — or why the to-do lists keep growing even though the days keep shortening — try something fun.

Throw away the lists

And give away the gifts

And guess what?

Christ was still born

… and you will all be ok.


May the peace of Christ cover your homes this Christmas.

May the peace of Christ be ever present to Twitch’s family.

If you feel like your life lacks meaning, tell someone.

Don’t go it alone. We need you.


Merry Christmas.
